Welcome To The Modern Goddess

Visual exploration of fantasies in gender-fluidity, femininity, glamour,transformation, illusion, cross-dressing, dominance and submission. Images posted here are NSFW and are the properties of the respective owners.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Ask The Goddess - Humiliation

  1. What kind of girl do you think would be the most humiliating to turn someone into?

    I don't feel that being a girl is so much humiliating as the situation you could be put in as a girl. I feel a situation where you can't control yourself would be the most humiliating. A girl who a slave to her body, her base desires and sexual urges. Not being able to help yourself or being put in constant situations where there is no way to hide your body and what it wants. . . THAT is the only thing I can see as humiliating. Anything is else is either forced upon you or a product of your own invention.


  1. I like that answer a lot.
    The humilation can't be something you want cos it's have the right emotional response so it has to have that Out of control element int it

    Regards sissygurl belinda

  2. i'll expand a little on that by saying it's being that girl who's a slave to her body, her base desires and sexual urges that i love. It's about when i'm unable being able to help myself or being put in constant situations where there is no way to hide my body and what it wants restrained while being played with satisfying those desires as i'm being used and yet loving every minute of itit.
    sissygurl belinda


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