More Questions Coming In:
Look into my. . . headlights. . . you are getting very horny | |
WHY am meeee sooo addicted to big boobs, Godess?
It's all about the jiggle. It's like hypnosis for the penis. Think of it like a snake charmer. They move, you move your head. they bounce, your head goes up and down. Try not to resist this. In fact, go get your own pair and watch them in the mirror.
Of course I'll expect you to look your absolute best. |
Have you ever convinced a straight guy to dress and pass en femme?
A good mistress doesn't spank and tell, that's what I make the pets do. However, if you are willing to be a subject to try this, be my guest. Just be willing to give a fully detailed blog post about your experience complete with pictures and video.
I think it's the temptation of going so feminine in regards to your former masculine, being soft where before you were hard, inverse, weight in new places, a different way of walking and moving. This all contributes to some fantasies of ultra feminine forms, either breasts, curves or behind!!