Welcome To The Modern Goddess

Visual exploration of fantasies in gender-fluidity, femininity, glamour,transformation, illusion, cross-dressing, dominance and submission. Images posted here are NSFW and are the properties of the respective owners.

Showing posts with label Asian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asian. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2013

Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Classic Caption] "No Boys In The Room" or "Sharing Birthday Cake"

What do YOU eat in the bed?  Or is it WHO do you eat?

-Originally Posted to Rachel's Haven June 2008.

Another early caption, something I would love to find the original images and remix it.  It's a sweet story made sexy by the source images.   Anyone else waiting to get this present for their birthday?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[Classic Caption] New Rules Of Racing: My first caption

Originally posted on Rachel's Haven on May 2008

This is the first caption I ever created.  When I first made this, I had been on Rachel's Haven for all of a week and I decided to dip my toes into writing captions.  I had seen them for years all over the internet at this time, but they were scattered in so many places.  I had contributed stories to Fictionmania but nothing beyond that.

Looking back on this, I'm pleased with what I wrote, but I had no concept of design.  I large block of space, some text and a picture was pretty much all I knew (Notice it doesn't even have a double name).  At the time I was still exploring the idea of admitting that I had this kink so the Simone that runs this blog wasn't fully developed.  Over 250 captions later I feel I've grown.  Still, I can appreciate what this caption does do right.  I originally wanted to remix this caption before posting it and I still might just for fun.  How do you think I've done in the years since making this caption? 

Until next time, dolls.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

"A Simple (Failed) Plan" or "Lipstick On A Pig"

So maybe I do have a sense of humor!  Something just to be a bit silly for Ashleigh.  This went through about four revisions before this one and that's saying something considering that it's not a long caption. 
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