
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Flavor Of The Month - July 2013 [NO CAP]

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What was YOUR Favorite Caption for the month of July?

Based on the roughly 140,000 hits this blog received this past month, some of you liked some things more than others.  Let's see, shall we?

Click image above to view full size

I suspected "The Club" would be a favorite this month and I was correct.  Over 2700 hits tell me you all really enjoyed it.  I didn't expect "Barrier" or "Rift" to be so strong.  Barrier was a strong second behind The Club and it seems Voluntary CD fantasy captions aren't very popular as my forced feminization stories.

"Miss Taken Identity" and "Spice Of Life" were also big surprises to me.  Both were posted late in the month and "Spice Of Life" was an anime/manga caption and those get so few hits that I almost hesitate to post them.  Despite it's high hit count for being so such a late post, it only has one comment.

My personal favorites?  "The Divine Ritual" was perhaps the one I had the most fun making.  It's a simple caption but I little design tricks combined with the stunning image made it one that I'll always be glad I did. "Sweet Goodness" was a something of a special request and it was something rather fun for me to write.  It also allowed me to touch on two subjects that are near and dear to my heart: Traveling and sweets.  Magic mischief can be a lot of fun to toy with.  "Vain" was a LOT of fun to write and seemed to strike a cord with a lot of you.  Many of you commented on it, even some newer names I'm not used to seeing in the comments section.  I have some other captions in the similar writing style coming down the pipe a lot of you might like.

Biggest Surprise?  "The Beauty of Service" wasn't in the top ten.  Well, technically it WAS, but it misses the cut-off by one day when I checked the numbers.  If it had, it would have been number one by far and away.  It had well over 3000 hits. . . you all REALLY love the forced femme maid captions!

So by looking at the numbers I noticing a strong slant towards magic accidental/curse/forced stories or forced femmization/transformation ones.  Do any of your all agree or disagree?  Anything you would like to see more of?  Less of?  Oh, and how do you all like the intro icons for each blog post?   

Until next time.  Captions posting very soon!


  1. My fav was "Feminine Immersion", but you knew that already. I'm surprised it didn't do better in the ratings, but then again my tastes have always been a bit different than others'. (Of course, who among us can't say that?)

    BTW. Thanks for the link. :-)


  2. The intros work well i think. As types magical/mystical transformations work with me as so plots with a bit dominance.
    i was rather taken with Spice Of Life and pleased to see it had a respectable number of hits. Pity i was the only one to comment on it.
    Curtseys, belinda

  3. Well you know my take on things! I'm a BIG fan of voluntary CD caps, but I do feel that I am in the minority. I do have to agree that "The Club" was one hot number though and "Rift" was an intriguing concept.

    1. My voluntary CD stories almost never do well here. Without some element or trickery or forced femme they often go ignored. "Devine Ritual" and "The Escort", two of my recent favorites, have been largely overlooked. I still plan on doing a sequel to "The Escort" if only for my own personal enjoyment (and certainly for yours!)

  4. Sweet Goodness and Vain were my Favorite Temptations with Divine Ritual being so wonderfully designed it deserves a special artistic mention.

    I loved the text in Spice of Life but I am so over anime caps, it is not even funny. I did love the world and concept of the "Rift". "The Escort" was criminally overlooked, imho, along with one you haven't posted yet.

    Keep being creative and wonderfully seductive!!!
