
Monday, July 1, 2013

Flavor Of The Month: June 2013 [NO CAP]

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So what captions were your favorites?  What do you think everyone else loved?  Find out below!

You all obviously loved "Sheer Control".  I actually liked that one as well, but not above "An Education".  That one was a personal favorite this month.  I was surprised about "Boy Is Over." You all seemed to really enjoy it.  "Predictable"  Got such a big push for being a late month cap that I might have to do more like it.  Did you have a favorite?  I would love to know.  Until next time!


  1. I like the top 2 best. I guess it's the magic and lack of control on the part of each pleased victim. I'm not sure which I like better. The ending to "Sheer Control" is excellent but I also really enjoy the run-away activity the victim suffers/enjoys in "Boy Is Over". "One With Nature" is great too and would make a jaw-dropping movie scene.

  2. It's always hard to pick from any group of your caps as to which I love the best. But this month I'd have to say that "Inspection or Toyed With" was my favorite. The design of that one really blew me away.

    I'm really surprised that "Optical Illusion or Walk Across The Quad" wasn't in your top page views as I really enjoyed that one as well.

    1. Considering how much detail you enjoy in your own captions, I find it interesting that you like "Inspection so much. It makes me want to see if I can find an image that resonates so well and see if I can tailor it to you!

  3. Pleasure or Prey or Adaption was a favourite of mine for the intellectual workout and Boy Is Over appealed.
    i'm a little to close to Predictable to be objective but a lot of folks like the sparks from that!
