
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Out Of Touch | Technology Gap

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Parents just don't understand . . .

click to view full size caption

This cap was fun to make and it frustrated me at the same time.  It breaks so many of my tenants but I suppose this is what happens with I make a caption for Dee.

I AM NOT fond of captions with white backgrounds with blocks of black text.  It's prevented me from reading captions because it just bothers me.  This caption is a quick caption and mostly dialogue, but it bothered me to see so much white space.  The ascetics worked well - text and image compliment each other.  Still it irked me design side of me. 


  1. Hi Simone,

    You've made another lovely caption. I know you pay a lot of attention to design and as you say white space can indicate a lack of attention here it works perfectly with the image and with its minimalism it compliments the technological theme. Great stuff.

  2. Great fun cap Simone. I know we all rail against the evils of black text on a white background, but you've done a beautiful job with this. I don't see the white as merely blank, but more of a negative space that was utilized perfectly. I think it enhances the story instead of taking away from it!

  3. love the caption, the dad sounds very much like me though
    no face book twitter or I phone

  4. It may not be aesthetically your style, but it does work well
