
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Red Shoe Dairies" or "One! Two! Jimmy Choo's Coming For You!"

What woman doesn't love a sexy pair of shoes?  The right pair can feel positively magical.  For Evie at Rachel's Haven, the new shoes sent her were magical indeed.

I also want to thank those who have made comments.  They really make me want to do more captions.  When you comment, I know what you like.  I love feedback, darlings.


  1. I never knew you were a Wizard of Oz fan you minx :)

    Nice ruby slippers!



  2. Very sexy. Perfect cap on body and mind change. giggle cant be said any other way.

  3. Can't believe I never said thank you here for this amazing series. How ungrateful of me! Still, this was posted before you truly corrupted me into Evie and I became a naughty little blogger, tee hee!
