
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Pussy Control" or "Beating The Curve"

If you're in control of yourself, then no situation is out of hand.  There may be things you can't change, but you can always adapt.  The same goes for when YOU are changed.  Follow these rules well, darlings and you might find yourself on top just like Alectra here.What do you think of here new found situation?  A change for the better?  Or MUCH better?

Oh, and as a reminder, I'll be posting an exclusive cap within two days!  I have so many ideas I want to share.  Now the question is who should I change and and how?  Oh well, I'll figure it out soon enough.

Ciao, darlings!


  1. I adore this caption. It's such a masochistic joy to feel that someone is capable of beating you out at everything you do.

  2. Very nice! I love it when the transformee is able to take the change in stride and come out on top.

    I also love the 'Rocky and Bullwinkle' style double titles that you give your caps. I have a hard enough time thinking of one for my caps half the time, yet you consistently come up with two for yours...much respect for that.

    One minor nit on this cap...the first occurrence of 'Alectra' is missing an 'r'. Typos like that are the reason why I started keeping the original layered image around for my caps. Pesky little buggers.

  3. ah thank you to point out. All fixed! Now they can go back to being sexy.

    The titles idea is something that seemed fun. It gives me a chance to highlight more than one aspect of a cap, and often the titles come from songs. I often wonder if anyone can figure out what songs I'm naming, using.

  4. What a deliciously degrading caption, and the pic is just to die for :)

    Awesome work, sweetie!


  5. That picture is one of my favorite pic sets that has my avatar gal in them. It is really hot and you made a really nice caption with it.

  6. Hey im pasonte from the Haven, Simone you did a great job, with this pic here, would you be so kind to spell Check Alecta into Alectra in the Haven thanks

  7. There's a competative feel in this situation and YES the transformation has made her situation very much for the better.
