
Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Bold & Sassy Heart - A TG Caption Series

The full series in one post!

Normally I post these series in blocks.  However, this time.  I made this for a friend at Rachel's Haven but it took several months to complete it.  With the final installment, I feel like it can be posted here.  So it's all in one place.    Be warned, it's a long series.  I hope to have more fun material soon for you lovely people.  Click on the images to read it  I hope you enjoy!


  1. Beautiful story and lovely pictures that match well. A bit long for one sitting, at least for me. Thanks.

    1. I usually post in smaller pieces but I wanted to try it all at once. I doubt i will do this again.

      Thanks for commenting and reading!

  2. While I'm never particularly fond of hetero endings, this was sweet and romantic and had me hooked halfway through. More than anything, I'm just glad to see more of your work!
