
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Traffic Stopper" or "Dangerous Curves Ahead"

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Pump the breaks.

Click to view full size caption

Kaitlyn seems to like fun jokes and I admit to struggling with it.  Her and Dee have a knack for doing quick captions and I've only recently tried to play with them fairly regularly.  Relying on the image can be just as effective as full on descriptive prose.  Still, I like to have a little verity. 


  1. HA!

    I think you nailed the short form quick joke cap Simone! And the layout is just lovely. It lets you focus on the traffic stopping photo and still display an elegance that could easily fit into any magazine.

  2. It may only have a few words but it pulls out all the stops. Great short caption, Mistress.

  3. Nice CAP. Those unintended side affects can be a real pain. >:)

  4. Brisk and funny, with one of my favorite tropes, a body so lush and feminine it makes men stupid!!

    I have been loving your less texty Caps on the Haven and although text is a big melter for me, it is always good to see people play and stretch their creativity in the form!!

  5. I think Ursula Andris did something like that in a cheap Italian flick. She would be walking down an Italian street, in a trench coat, suddenly she would flash traffic showing herself Nude, and the pile ups would be taken care of by a close by Body Shop.
    Then the Body Shop owner would pay Andris, and say same time Next Month.
