
Monday, June 3, 2013

"Boy Is Over" or "UnCONventional Curse"

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Some of you love costumes. . . perhaps you wouldn't mind getting stuck in one. . .

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  1. Love the details of the mental change!!!

  2. Great cap Simone! I particularly love the layout with the background drawing peeking out at us. The pinks match up incredibly well.

    And of course your story is wonderful... being pushed, pulled, and trained into enjoying what is happening only to find out that it might be permanent is VERY squirmy!

    1. I have wanted to come back to this style of formatting again, I enjoyed it and it fit really well with the images.

  3. i like the story line a lot with the gradual realization it might be Permanent. Costumes are something i like so being stuck in one that made pure eye candied doll out of me with a very short skirt that barely covers and a top that shows off one bust appeals. Maybe it should be Simone's next project......

    1. Obviously something my little maid has thought a lot about. . .

  4. Oh my gosh, a Catherine cap. Wow just by having those pics I was drawn to the cap. I liked the metal changes and the story. Great job on the cap set. I don't know if I can explain why but this cap put a smile on my face.

    1. I should have known you would have recognized what inspired the images! Very glad you liked it and now you've given me some ideas for later.
