
Saturday, May 4, 2013

"Miseducation" or "Oral Fixation"

Click to read Post and get to caption.

A hard lesson in hypnosis for Candy.  

Click to read full size caption.

A little weekend wickedness for readers.  If there are enough good comments then I'll post another caption before Monday.  Enjoy your weekend and I hope to hear from you.


  1. Oh My!! That's a hot little cap Simone!

    I'm surprised that a story with no actual sex can be so steamy and squirmy, but you hit on every button that needed to be pressed. And of course your design and layout are perfect!

  2. awesome cap hun, I can so relate have a oral fixation myself giggle. hice work hun, hugs Sedra.

  3. An interesting idea and aenjoyable caption. Thank You mistress

  4. She's a very thorough scientist! And its always fun to see the word "neanderthal" in a caption. Its almost as fun as "credenza" !!

    Kick ass!

  5. great caption. love the hypnosis captions when the guy erm gal is brought back to reality.
