
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All Good Things?

It seems that my little corner of the internet has had some light shed on it.

I was sent an email from one of the original owners of a image used in a caption here.   I promptly removed as the email requested.  Scrolling down to the bottom of this blog shows that I am more than willing to remove images if owners say so.

However, this bring me to a crossroads.  This blog has been a bit of escapism for me and if it's going to be an issue then I don't now know if I can maintain it.  I would rather stop now than let it become an issue. 

At the moment, I won't be posting any new content, at least no new captions.  Perhaps I will find another format to choose that won't fall into such a grey area - text stories perhaps.  When I make a dicision on what that will be, I will make an update.