
Friday, June 29, 2012

"No Half Measures" or "I'm Honey Now"

I do enjoy giving birthday presents from time to time.  This one for Honey-Doll was a gift from the heart:

Part 1
Part 2

I was away for a few days (resting and sipping drinks next to a beach in a cute bikini) but I managed to make this for my dear Honey-Doll.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to post it for her birthday, but her response to it when I got back was all the elation I needed.  This is finely crafted to be a sensual beginning of a journey - someone who wants to know more about femininity and walk on that side of the fence.  It's more personal than usual, so I hope you all understand. 

Until next time dolls.  I plan to answer some of your sexy questions very soon!


  1. It's a good cap, but i didn't see it as so personal for you to have to ask people to understand. It felt like it was one of your captions you have made before Mistress. Just one of the one's that didn't focus on a teasing, or all powerful Mistress.

  2. Lovely sensual cap Simone! I normally don't enjoy willing caps, but I think that since this is the beginning of the journey and can explain more of how the hero came to his desire to experience all of womanhood it can retain its sexiness without flaunting it overtly.

  3. Its always the little things that matter most, and this caption has one of those things that women tend to take for granted, but TG people tend to yearn for .. like adjusting the bra strap, dealing with a line for the ladies room, or the "hard not to look sensual" act of putting on lipstick.

    Quite an understated caption that means so much more.

  4. An enjoyable willing transformation cap.

  5. Wow, it was so sensual Miss, I loved it, from the exquisite prose describing her new body, to the interaction between the two, it didn't feel too personal at all, and I think it connects with anyone who loves good writing.

  6. The thing I loved most about this that I didn't share on the Haven:

    This was very reflective of the beginning of our journey together, with the trust we have in each other now reflected in it as well.

    This IS very special to me, no question. Mi Querida, ¡Te adoro!

  7. What a beautiful and heartfelt story :) As Dee mentions, it's really ALL in the details, and you nailed them!

    Awesome job... You pushed a LOT of people's buttons on this one, I'd wager, mine DEFINITELY included :)

