
Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Mother's Little Brat" or " I'm not saying she's a . . . . "

What boy doesn't need a mother like this one? 


  1. WOhhh Mama! Very sexy Caption! Love the blackmail, the step mom changing the son, and of course the smell of foul play one the son wanting to be a girl in the first place..

    It reminds me of some of the caps I used to read at the lycos groups, I haven't seen a plot like this in year's! Wonderful blast from the past.

    1. The moment I saw the picture I knew this was going to be the story. Who knows how much the boy REALLY wanted to be a girl in the first place? It's all hazy when it comes to the truth. Thanks for the kind words.

  2. VERY clever caption! A cute pic, with what seems a very simple story, but several little sub-plots and themes in there as well :)

    As always, flawless on the presentation!

    Thanks :)

    1. I didn't want to spell everything out and it's hard NOT to when the caption is so short, but I felt like I made the ideas clear without bopping the reader over the head.

      Of course, YOU often see things I never realized were there in the first place.

  3. Wicked storyline loving that spot of balckmail at the end.
    Would we all deep down want a mommy like that?

  4. Love the looks, love the story, which is a bit ummm *blush* and the image which is stunning! You just ace again Mistress :)

    Hugs and Kisses Alectra

  5. Poor Daddy doesn't stand a chance, but that is one lucky girl to have a step mom always looking out for her best interests

  6. Reminds me of the old "Auntie" captions you'd see back on Bimbo's Sanctuary, but better written and more artistically composed!

    To adapt a line from The Vandals, "some may call it child abuse, I call it bonding with your mom!"

    1. I have never read anything at Bimbo's Sanctuary, so I can't compare them, however I can say it has it's roots in some of the older fictionmania stories I've read over the years.

  7. Loved, loved, loved this.

    Your wicked sense of humor shines through in this and well, when I discovered *duh* the text Easter Egg, I laughed and laughed. Very clever color choices. I get stuck reading the story and sometimes miss the stuff you got going on with your art, and there's always something going on. So fun!!

  8. I must admit, I've always loved the fem-by-step mom captions. They always give me the feeling of "You get a new mommy, and a new body!" And this is one of the best I've seen, if not the best. Loved this one, fantastic work :D
