
Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Elimination" and "Check And Mate"

I always love a good diabolical plan.

This was made for an individual who created very unique captions on Rachel's Haven.  I decided to go with something more cerebral and this idea came to mind.  I needed a strong image and I was DYING to use this one.  Because of the type of image, I felt the design has to be strong.  I couldn't impose text to the image itself and it was too large to use any other way.  So I found a background and I did a little editing.  The text boxes fit the style and it seemed like everything fit together.  The story had to go thru some serious revisions but I felt it was strong enough to go with the image.

comments are always welcome.  Until next time, dolls.


  1. Beautifully put together, we can see the effort that you put into each element of your captions. The picture, the story and the layout are all given such great care. Thank you Simone

  2. Very well crafted. Strong distinctive Simone design!

  3. wow that is really dark and evil.......... i loved it! giggle. great work hun. huggs, Sedra.

  4. Ooo er Robyn it is now in Simone's masterfully performed plan!
    Wonderful entertaining caption. A+++++ for execution.
    belinda (pet)
