
Monday, November 7, 2011

"Life's Burden" or "Carry Your Responsibility"

Made for Chelsea Baker @ Rachel's Haven

Chelsea's preferences are those of a revenge/karma tone.  Atoning for sins and pass transgressions or being switched from one extreme to the other.  In this case, I wanted to concentrate on the vengeance/ divine retribution angle.  I originally wrote the voodoo priestess with a very literal Bayou accent.  I quickly realized it was too hard to read so I switched it to something more readable.  

Also, this caption is just another example of how revisions can lead you from one place to another:

This is the original finished version- note the revised writing and typos. Also the text doesn't pop the same way.  I thought it was fine, but the whole cap wasn't "alive" in my eyes.  I finally edited the above version and the top is the final result.


  1. wow cool swich hun, love the angel. nice work :)

  2. Tables turned with a gripping storyline.
    The final take was worth the extra effort, Goddess.
    sissygurl belinda

  3. I think both version are pretty good, but I like the layout of the one with colored text better.
