
Friday, October 28, 2011

"Subterfuge" or "Her Will Be Done"

I didn't make this caption for anyone in particular, but it was made with a Photoshop Template I created.  I plan to post the template on Rachel's Haven for the toolbox to help beginners who might need a little boost in the visual department.  I don't pretend to know a ton about Photoshop (there are SO MANY other captions-makers who are better with it than me. . . .Caitlyn-Masked, Steffie, Petra and Victoria to name a few), but I know enough to understand that it can be an intimidating program for the uninitiated.  I myself and horrid in the technical sense; much of what I've learned has been through years of fiddling, searching tutorials and exchanging information with others. 
 I'll also be writing a tutorial for it and this caption was the text to see if it would visually be up to snuff.  It worked out well and it also allows me some easy quick caps for when I'm feeling like getting something done.  To give you an idea of what the Template looks like, here's the bare bones look of it:

 The image is just a test image to show the person where the picture goes and I labeled all the layers accordingly.  But this turned into the caption above.  If people are interested, I'll post the tutorial for the template (which will be the above caption) as a post so anyone looking to start their own captions can begin.  I also plan to make some more "beginner templates" that will be multi-image ready and also some different looks. 

I honestly wrote this caption very quickly - I was talking with Victoria and she showed me the image.  The story immediately came to mind and I typed it up to her as if I were talking as the woman.  I saw her reaction and said "Hey, THIS is a cap!"  I was already working on the template so I decided this would be my test.   I cleaned up the text (and had it proofed!) and plugged it in.  Then I added the bells and whistles to complete the look.  I hope you all enjoyed this peak behind the curtain.  Let me know if you want to see the full explanation.  See you soon, dolls.


  1. I wouldn't mind to see the full explanation! And good timing because I've been told by some followers on how to create a cap or what to do to spark an idea (In my opinion).

    Of course I don't know much about Photoshop but I do know about Paint Shop Pro and Quark *giggle*

    Hugs and Kisses Alectra

  2. Good plan, I think a lot of people with good ideas are only put off making caps because they aren't sure how to do it. Lets get more people capping and making deliciously sexy girls from boys everywhere!

  3. You should probably post it to your blog anyway. I am planning on making a "from A to Z making a caption with Dee" segment for my blog at some point, which originally was part of the "give me a small plot and I'll turn it into a caption" but no one had taken me up on it.

    As for having a Photoshop template, wouldn't it have to be based on the size of the picture? I tend to re-size my pictures so that the width is 500 pixels (if I'm doing a text on the side caption) and then make the text column 350 for a total of 850 (this was due to the width limits the Haven enforced a few years ago.) That makes the height of the caption a variable depending on how much I have to cut and get the aspect ratio right when resizing.

    I think that was an issue for some of Alectra's early captions, that some of her photos were squished a bit or stretched out. Please forgive me Alectra if it wasn't you, but for some reason, you came to mind.

    @ Evie

    I honestly don't think there should be any excuses now, since Rachel's Haven has 9 or 10 different tutorials on how to make a caption .. from Photoshop to to GIMP and even Powerpoint.

  4. Interesting to hear about how you create a caption and I like the end result!
    sissygurl belinda

  5. Alectra - I'm just trying to show a little help to those who think they can benefit.

    Evie - I want the captions to look good as well as read good.

    Dee - I usually work with larger images so perhaps I should think about such things. I don't think in numbers when it comes to dimensions but i do have a default idea of how big I want them to be. usually 1000x700 is in that range.

    SB - I will keep giving a look behind the curtain as long as there is interest.

  6. @Dee

    You are right it was me, but I got it all controlled now ^-^

    Hugs and Kisses Alectra

  7. Returning to this, that is a interesting caption with it's themes of subservience, dollification, forced transformation and bondage amongst many.
    When i first saw it i felt inhibited unable to accept these tracts with in me, never mind comment publicly but following Your captions, i broke down.
    Her will Be Done? i think it has.
