
Friday, September 30, 2011

Haven Quarterly E-Zine Issue 2 Coming!

The girls over at Rachel's Haven have once again been busy with the making the Haven Quarterly E-zine.  If you're a fan of TG fiction and captions, than this is another chance to see a collection of beautiful exclusive work done by some great creators.  There's over 70 pages of stories, comics and caption made by people like Smitty, Alectra, Jennifer, Caitlyn, Candy, Kayla and a host of others.  There's even a serial story and two exclusive captions by yours truly inside.  I don't plan to ever post the captions I donate to the e-zine on my blog so you'll just have to get them from the Haven Quarterly.

How you ask?  There are several ways to do this.  One is to donate to the haven's upkeep fund (click here for details).  Another way is to make a caption for either the Caption Challenge 6 or participate in Nadine's 2-for-1 caption exchange.  If you're already part of the haven, it's worth it to give something back.  If you aren't, than it's a wonderful incentive to see all to fantastic caption work coming.  This issue of the Haven E-Zine will be available October 3, so I hope you'll be getting YOUR copy!

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