
Friday, May 6, 2011

[EXCLUSIVE CAPTION] "Trapped!!" or "I Straddle The Fence"

Which side am I on?  Doesn't matter, I play for both teams . . .
Well,  you lucky little bitches get TWO exclusives from me in the same week.  Your adoration is welcome.

Here's something I don't see much in captions - Traps.  I must admit, I'm jealous of those who can pull off such a stunt, living on both sides of the fence due to blessings from genetics (The most recent being model Andrej Pejic.  It's not fair!).  Still, it's something that's very real and possible.  Boy or girl?  Pick a side - How about both?


  1. Oh mistress Simone we are not worthy of your caps, thanks oh great Goddess of TG Love ^-^

    You don't tell me, for real?
    Ouh Boy some boys get all the fun out there ^-^
    Traps are living nowadays to his nickname :3
    Hugs and Kisses Alectra

  2. I've been waiting to reply to this one for what seems like forever. I REALLY enjoyed it! I don't know why I never played around with trap's in TG caps, I LOVE that idea. It's so very sexy and I wish I could at least do that when it comes to playing as a girl.

    Very well done caption Mistress and it has sparked my love for traps again.

  3. Do you know the model's name?

  4. I loved this caption! Really good one! So girly, so sexy.. lips, eyes, skin, nipples.. smooth panties! Loved it!!

  5. cute model I like flat chested make more

  6. I love the image.
    sissygurl belinda
