
Friday, August 13, 2010

[EXCLUSIVE] "Don't Ever Give Up!!!" or "Where There's A Pussy, There's A Way"

"I can explain!! It's . . . well, it's EXACTLY what it looks like. . ."

Hello Darlings,

I've brought in another Exclusive for the weekend.  In the case here, many girls think that once they lose their manhood that some parts of their life are over.  That doesn't have to be the case.  Just as the title says, don't give up if you have a goal. . . you might find out you like things better this way!


  1. something about not being able to change spots... so cute! She'll be like Shane from L Word. *swoons*.

  2. AW... c'mon DEB... join in for a threesome.

    You'll NEVER have Mark more desireable than SHE is now...
